Programs and Services
CAPP’s Food Pantry serves residents in Providence Area. We serve hundreds of families each month.
Click below to complete an intake form
Haga clic a continuación para completar un formulario de admisión
New Clients/Nuevos Clientes
Existing clients/Clientes existente
For more information, contact:
Taina Lee at 401-273-2000 Ext 336 or
Kristina Aguilar 401-273-2000 Ext 309
Stop & Shop Community Bag Program
We are so excited to announce that CAPP has been selected again as a nonprofit partner in the Stop & Shop Community Bag Program. CAPP will receive $1 for each $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold during the month of April 2025 at the Stop & Shop at 850 Manton Avenue, Providence RI

Healthy Living and Learning
CAPP's Food Pantry is partnered with the RI Community Food Bank, URI/SNAP, and others to raise awareness and enhance services through educational workshops around nutrition and health.
The Pantry carries staple and culturally appropriate food items. To give our residents and friends a little help and inspiration when planning meals, we've created CAPP's Community Kitchen and partnered with local home cooks and chefs to share how they prepare their favorite recipes.
CAPP's Food Pantry and Education and Job Development Department have teamed up to teach residents about budget friendly tips on how to save money, conserve food, and make your dollar stretch farther when grocery shopping for your family.
Want to Help Out?
Volunteer @ Our Food Pantry
We can always use help at our food pantry. Get in touch today to help out!